
Evaluating dizziness

vHIT provides quick and objective measurements of the vestibular ocular reflex (VOR).

The EyeSeeCam vHIT provides quick and objective measurements of the vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR). A simple tool to assess the performance of all 6 semicircular canals.

The EyeSeeCam vHIT provides quick and objective measurements of the vestibular ocular reflex (VOR). The results allow the healthcare professional to efficiently assess the "dizzy" patient and evaluate if the dizziness is related to a vestibular disorder.

EyeSeeCam vHIT captures this abnormal eye movement, displays the head and eye movements simultaneously in realtime, analyzes the data and then provides a simple graphical presentation of the results. This information is then used to determine further recommendations for the care of the patient.

  • Healthy

    The vHIT is a measure of the patient’s vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in response to head movement. A patient with a healthy vestibular system should be able to keep his eyes focused on a stationary target, even if the head is in motion

  • Dysfunction

    In patients with vestibular dysfunction, when the head moves, the eyes will move with the head, requiring a corrective movement back to the target (this is known as a "catch-up saccade”).

    Abnormal result showing covert saccades and reduced gain on the left side indicating a left peripheral vestibular weakness. Also features an easy guide to let you know when your head impulses are accurate and therefore included in the calculation.

  • Userguide to help you generate accurate head impulses
    Lightweight & superior goggle design to reduce slippage
    Can test the left or right eye
    Measures instantaneous gain and velocity regression
    Displays overt and covert saccades, gain and 3D graphics